Monday, April 15, 2013

Murder 101: Types of Murder Mystery Parties.

Most people who are familiar with the term "Murder Mystery Party" understand that such an event is a story-run game where participants play detective to solve the big mystery. (And if you aren't familiar with the term, you will benefit from reading "Murder 101: What is a Murder Mystery Party Anyways?". Don't worry, we'll wait here until you catch up!) However, the average party-goer may not know that "Murder Mystery Party" can be a somewhat vague description of what exactly you will spend your night doing.

Under the category "Murder Mystery Party", there are three sub-typess:

  1. Interactive
  2. Turn-Based
  3. Dinner Theater

Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog Carnival Feature: Carnival of Video Game Bloggers

Hello, all!

Party Until You Drop Dead's post, "Murder 101: What is a Murder Mystery Party Anyways?" was just featured in the May 2013 edition of the Blog Carnival "Carnival of Video Game Bloggers" over at Gaming My Way!

Click here to see the post!

Additionally, Gaming My Way has some awesome articles featuring game reviews, tips, and funny tidbits. I am currently enjoying "How to Successfully Run a High Powered Roleplaying Game" as I work on my various to-do lists in preparation for my still-pending murder mystery event at FanimeCon 2013. It's great to see some tips from similar hobbies that can carry over into the murder mystery world! (murder mysteries are, after all, role playing games themselves!)


Monday, April 1, 2013

Fanime 2013 Event: "LoZ MurderMystery: Hero Wanted"

With FanimeCon 2013 just around the corner, it was about time for me to turn in my panels application so that I could host another convention murder mystery panel.

However, just before turning the app in, I noticed that there was this wonderful addition to the website for "Fan Events", which allows guests to run their own non-panel format event.


I submitted the application just before the deadline.

"LoZ Murde Mystery: Hero Wanted" is now pending to be a fan event at FanimeCon 2013!

Keep tuned for updates, as the date and time will be posted once I get approved!
